
Open Source Textbooks

Open source textbooks save students money! Over the past 15 years, the cost of university textbooks has increased more than four times the rate of inflation. As students, we spend as much as $500 to $1000 on textbooks and other course materials.

The average university graduate in Canada is left with a debt amounting to $25, 000. While high tuition fees are the main reason for this debt, textbooks also play a role in increasing debt for us students and making university education inaccessible.

Fall Reading Week

The Central Student Association explored the possibility of introducing a reading week in the Fall semester at the University of Guelph, that which would have likely included the October Thanksgiving holiday. A reading week would provide students with a break from the hustle and bustle of university. This can do wonders for the mental well-being of many. 

Tap In!

About Campaign

Over the past two decades, major bottled water companies have promoted their product in our schools. Meanwhile, public water supply infrastructure has been neglected and drinking water fountains continue to disappear.

Education For All

About Campaign

Fairness for International Students

International students participate in post-secondary education in the same ways as domestic students, but face more precarious learning conditions. Institutions routinely set international student tuition fees at levels three to five times higher than domestic students.

Reverse International Student Tuition Fees Increase

Read the Central Student Association and International Student Organization's joint statement - click here!


Fight The Fees

In Ontario, we pay the highest tuition fees and have the lowest per-student funding in the country. The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body at this university, voted to increase tuition fees every year since 2006. UofG, although charging more for tuition conducted 32.4 million dollars in program cuts, so we’re actually paying more, and getting less in return! Join the movement to protect quality, accessible education. Let’s fight the fees!

United for Equity

About Campaign

The United for Equity campaign aims at challenging and educating students on barrier-free access to post-secondary education regardless of race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age and socio-economic background. The campaign addresses different forms of discrimination and oppression on campus and in our communities.

Student Space

The CSA believes in campaigning and advocating around student space issues. We do so through our involvement on the University Centre Board and other avenues. We also recognize that space is something that should be covered by the tuition fees students pay, and as such, is first and foremost the responsibility of the University. We are committed to working with administration and students to ensure that the University fulfills these responsibilities.

No Means No

About Campaign

The No Means No campaign was created to raise awareness and to reduce the occurrence of rape and sexual assault on and off campuses. The No Means No campaign offers various resources, including but not limited to research on the incidences of sexual violence in Canada, buttons, stickers, posters and postcards.